"Antillia: The Digital Island" is an online space and project hoping to compile multimedia snapshots of Bajan life, experience, thought and identity, submitted by Bajans at home and of the Diaspora.
Compiling 'snapshots' intends to remove any limits to the variety of responses, with a focus on the Bajan "Everyday". These snapshots can include video, photography, sound recordings, text, painting, sculpture, performance, etc. All media formats will be accepted (as long as these may be accessed digitally).
There are no limits on the quantity of submissions made by any individual contributor.
ALL submissions will be accepted, credited to their respective contributors and presented through the online platform.
If you have any questions as to the project or submission process, please contact Adam Patterson: info@adampatterson.co.uk
Please send submissions via WeTransfer, Dropbox, Drive or any other media-uploading platform to: info@adampatterson.co.uk